The History of Dominoes
Dominoes are small, rectangular blocks that are used as gaming pieces. They are sometimes also known as bones, pieces, or men. They are used to play a variety of games, mostly strategy-based, that involve building chains or forming a pattern on the table. Most domino games are based on scoring or blocking the opponent, so that their hand cannot make further moves. There are also domino puzzles which require players to place tiles in a pattern based on the pips or numbers printed on them. These games are played throughout the world, and a game similar to domino was discovered in the Inuits (Eskimos) of North America – suggesting that they were inspired by the European version of the game.
The earliest records of the use of dominoes date to the 17th Century, although they are likely much older. The first domino sets were produced in Italy and France, and appeared in England toward the end of the 18th Century (possibly through French prisoners). They are most often used for positional games, where each player places a tile edge to edge against another until they match or form a specified total.
In the 19th Century, domino sets were produced in many different materials. Some are made of natural material such as bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, or a dark hardwood such as ebony with black or white pips inlaid in the wood. Others are made of polymer such as plastic, or other rigid material. Polymer sets are the most common, and are usually less expensive than those of natural or metal material.
While the pips on dominoes may be a reminder of their early history as a type of Chinese game, the actual game was probably invented independently by a number of people, both in Europe and Asia. Some of the earliest evidence for dominoes dates to the 16th Century, including a single domino found on the Mary Rose wreckage. Other dominoes are found in China, and a game of domino was included with an early travel guide published in 1584 by a Jesuit priest in Kyoto.
The popularity of dominoes as a leisure activity grew rapidly, with the most successful company being Domino’s Pizza in the United States. The chain was founded in 1967 by Dominick Monaghan, who emphasized putting stores near college campuses and promoting its fast delivery. The chain now has over 9,000 locations worldwide.
Domino’s success was based on its ability to adapt to changing consumer demands. When consumers became tired of the pizza chain focusing on fast delivery alone, it increased its menu options, improved its recipes, and adopted better HR practices.
This was the turning point in the company’s fortune, and it resulted in higher customer satisfaction ratings. This positive feedback, combined with an increase in new store openings, allowed Domino’s to return to record profits in 2019.