Day: March 27, 2025

The Pros and Cons of Horse Racing

horse race

Horse racing is a sport that has captivated the imagination of millions around the world. From the ceremonial pageantry of major events like the Melbourne Cup to the love of horses themselves, horse races are rich in history and tradition.

Despite the popularity of horse racing, the sport is not without its challenges. Most notably, the welfare of the racehorses is often overlooked. As a result, horse racing has a reputation for cruelty. The plight of the racehorse has become a major focus of campaigners and is at the heart of the debate surrounding animal rights in society.

In the case of horse racing, racehorses are bred specifically for the sport and spend most of their lives in confinement. For example, equine veterinarian Kraig Kulikowski has described keeping a 1,000-pound horse in a 12-by-12-foot stall for 23 hours a day as comparable to locking a 100-pound child in a four-by-four-foot closet for that same period of time. Many racehorses also suffer from injuries and behavioral problems. In fact, a Baltimore organizer with the group Horseracing Wrongs says that due to their unnatural training and confinement, racehorses are prone to suffering from mental and emotional issues, including self-harm behaviors such as cribbing (biting on its gate) or obsessive behavior like pacing, kicking and biting.

Another significant issue facing the industry is the high rate of death and paralysis among jockeys, who are subject to a number of physical and psychological risks. For instance, they have a high rate of bone fractures and osteoarthritis. In addition, they are also at risk for a number of conditions that may not be apparent to the average person, such as equine gastrointestinal disorders and stress-related diseases.

For these reasons and others, many people are not supportive of the horse racing industry. Nevertheless, the sport has some fans and is an important source of revenue for some states and cities. For example, New York City has an annual horse race event that attracts over 1 million spectators.

Those who are supportive of horse racing say that it is more than just a way to select a company leader. It is a form of leadership development and provides people at all levels of the organization a path to more senior roles. Moreover, having several strong candidates for the role can increase engagement. Those who are against the practice of using the horse race argue that it can be divisive and have a negative impact on employee morale, particularly when the winner is anointed.

Research shows that when journalists cover elections by focusing on who’s winning and losing rather than policy issues—what’s known as horse race coverage—voters, politicians and the news media suffer. This updated roundup of research examines the effects of this practice and suggests strategies for addressing it.

Categories: Gambling Blog